Monday, 31 December 2012

…from prison…

I wrote this poem one night, thinking about the light that illuminates the prison cell. You may never have been behind bars but you may have been imprisoned in the cell of isolation not solitude, desertion not retreat, anger not love, fear not confidence, despair not hope and servitude not service. Indeed, from prison have emerged some of the greatest characters in the world - Malcolm X, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Wole Soyinka and Angela Davis. You can make great your prison experience and come out as a great character to illumine the world...

… are you stranded…
… looking for the way…
… out of the prison cell…
… out of the mountain of torture…

… I was once a prisoner…
… maybe, I’m still one
… perhaps, not as heroic as Mandela…
… maybe, not as infamous as Anini…

… but from the cell…
… I garnered bits and pieces…
… of information to better my life…
… knowledge, no other place was to better offer me…

… in the cell…
… the prison guard stripped me…
… leaving me naked…
… as he sprayed tear gas in my windowless cell…

… branded as a felon…
… I suffered brutalities…
… and more than the cell’s indignities…
… I suffered desertion from my loved ones…

… indeed…
… in the cell…
… I was in the lone…
… and needed someone as a backbone…

… only few…
… few persons remembered the great years of yore…
… those were my soulful friends…
… who knew the virtue that took me to jail…

… day by day…
… as I pass through one ordeal or the other…
… I needed no philosopher to tell me that…
… that there’s a spiritual reality in the universe…

… I needed no one to tell me…
… I saw the lines of truth…
… buried deep in layers of history…
… that spirits dwell in bodies…

… it was from the cell…
… that I grew tall in understanding…
… the art of living…
… and from the most-dreaded, I became the most esteemed…

Saturday, 29 December 2012

When the World says No

When the world says no
And for all I know
I have a dream to live
A dream more than sheer belief

When the world gives me another dream
Like a running stream
I take another route
To create my dream’s layout

When the world says never
I say never will I say never
I will strive to be me
And not any he or she

When the world says die
I will live to fly
Even if with a stranger for a friend
I will walk and work until my end

When the world says no more
I open my heart’s poetic door
And cry out my soul’s news
In simple rhythms and blues

When the world says have no stance
I speak out my heart and dance
‘Cause I’m breaking away from conventions’ cage
Embracing the truth with no rage

When the world steps on my toes
I smile to confuse my foes
As I go on writing my lines
Abandoning my enemies’ beelines

When the world with its tweets
Hold a machete to my poetic feet
I keep jumping across in silence
Hibernating until I get a balance

When the world says I’m no good
I remain quiet like a dogwood
Only to later shout against falsehood
More than the blabbing in my childhood

When the world says no
I say yes in credo
Because I’m the only one who knows that part
That part of me that is called the heart

When the world presses hard
I retreat to my library where like the bard
I strengthen myself with books   
As I straighten out the hooks with books

O! When the world says I’m deceiving myself
I live to bequeath my bookshelf
And let posterity judge
Whether or not I live to be me

Thursday, 27 December 2012

A Room of My Own: Cave Rules

A Room of My Own: Cave Rules: Borrowed from Tammara Webber and I am sharing it in an effort to remind myself how to write a book. I hope you get some bits and pieces of the writing adventure...

As a New Year Comes

As a new year comes
Look at tomorrow's stars
And forget yesterday's scars

As a new year comes
Look at the beautiful cloud
And embrace love's clout

As a new year comes
Look at nature's hibiscus
And always be focus

As a new year comes
Look at your room's wall
And never hinder your growing tall

As a new year comes
Look at the rate of death
And never forget the purpose of your birth

As a new year comes
Look at the mechanics of nature
And work ceaselessly for the future

As a new year comes
Look at your friend
And see a glimpse of yourself

As a new year comes
Look at a shining glass
And inspire a mass

As a new year comes
Look at the rarest
And wish for all the best

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Singing, Blessing and Aiding

Life runs for only a time
Do the best you can to be in line
Doing maybe just a kind deed
Helping those in need

To live fully each day
Let your light freely shine along the way
Even as days roll and roll
You may heal a sinking soul

Lovingly stand
As you offer a helping hand
Lifting even but a traveller’s load
As you travel life’s rugged road

Let your life
Float as you hold a fife
Singing, blessing and aiding
The children, the young and even the ageing

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Live Gently, Happ’ly with One Another

Can I liken life to eternity?
I ask you all this brightly calm morning
Even as things pass by like a sherry
Coming and going as we are ageing
I’m wondering as I look high above
Is this how someday we will all depart?
Yes, day by day, we will go like a dove
But life remains like a beautiful tart
We will fly and soar like the birds on high
Just like we will go, returning to earth
Today let us with gentle love not pry
But let us with great kindness like a firth
Live gently, happ’ly with one another
As we sightsee through life with no anger

Friday, 27 January 2012


Looking back at my yesterday can ne’er change my past
even my getting anxious can ne’er make me ever steadfast
as distractions and interruptions come and go
‘cause I need only pursue my goal like no bozo

Oh! Life is delightfully short and long
I need only embrace it faithfully as I travel along
often rising high and low like a rollercoaster
listening to my inner voice like a no scrounging cadger

Oh! It’s my own choice to make
and I needn’t delay it
lest I die of heartache before daybreak
achieving not my goal and at the end quit

Oh! I have a goal, I have a dream
though I often slip and fall on the trip
I have to always strive with eyes agleam
achieving my goal without a flip

It’s time to let things go
and to lovingly embrace my goal
following it like a maestro
achieving it with no loophole

Tuesday, 24 January 2012


A new day has broken
So the morning breeze whispered to me
And I can see our faces beautifully brazen
More than I can see in any alley

Oh! It’s a new day
And I’m seeing all things new
Shining beyond the sun’s ray
As we join the day’s crew brightly as blue

Oh! Pals in all locales
Jump down happily from your bed
And begin to sing melodies like chorales
In tunes never in history said

Oh! Forever keep smiling
It’s a terrifically nice day
Super and marvelously blooming
Clearing life’s bushy crossway

Are we not seeing it
It’s joy everywhere I see
Anybody there to admit
I can see reflections beyond the acme

Yes! I’m seeing it
And you are seeing it
We are all seeing it
We will forever continue to see it

It’s going to be an all-through wonderful day
I can hear us saying yes to that
As we walk gingerly like on a breezeway
Encouraging one another even with just a pat

It’s the newest day
And I know you are all happy
It’s not a mere hearsay
‘Cause I can see you not blowzy

Let’s keep on pals
And make the day not a doomsday
Let’s all have decals
And begin to shout hip hip hip hurrah

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Oh! Kano of Blood and Bile

Series of blasts invaded us yesterday
Some of our lives were cast away
But we continue to bray
Before we end up never keeping them at bay

Like the lost of the famed groundnut pyramid
We were left insipid and crannied
But like a whizz-kid not wicked
We will not remain pallid and torpid

We’ll fight for our right
Even as things are not aright
And we are not alright
We will keep fighting until things are brightly right

Oh! Kano of walls and pottery
Embroidered with simple gaudery
We, you people, have been left weary and teary
In no lapidary quandary                  

We are truly in disarray
Dismayingly in dismay
As we run to lands so faraway
Leaving our land in decay

Like the Kofar Matar Dyeing pits
We are dying as the blast hits
Who are the culprits
Who have left us in the dark not lit

Peace and tolerance we pray
In our land full of clay
Lest we continue to slay
As each other we betray

Oh! To live in harmony we yearn
As crisis with one another we forever adjourn
Never again to each other fight and burn
But to live in unity, northern and southern