Saturday, 29 December 2012

When the World says No

When the world says no
And for all I know
I have a dream to live
A dream more than sheer belief

When the world gives me another dream
Like a running stream
I take another route
To create my dream’s layout

When the world says never
I say never will I say never
I will strive to be me
And not any he or she

When the world says die
I will live to fly
Even if with a stranger for a friend
I will walk and work until my end

When the world says no more
I open my heart’s poetic door
And cry out my soul’s news
In simple rhythms and blues

When the world says have no stance
I speak out my heart and dance
‘Cause I’m breaking away from conventions’ cage
Embracing the truth with no rage

When the world steps on my toes
I smile to confuse my foes
As I go on writing my lines
Abandoning my enemies’ beelines

When the world with its tweets
Hold a machete to my poetic feet
I keep jumping across in silence
Hibernating until I get a balance

When the world says I’m no good
I remain quiet like a dogwood
Only to later shout against falsehood
More than the blabbing in my childhood

When the world says no
I say yes in credo
Because I’m the only one who knows that part
That part of me that is called the heart

When the world presses hard
I retreat to my library where like the bard
I strengthen myself with books   
As I straighten out the hooks with books

O! When the world says I’m deceiving myself
I live to bequeath my bookshelf
And let posterity judge
Whether or not I live to be me


  1. "When the world says have no stance
    I speak out my heart and dance
    ‘Cause I’m breaking away from conventions’ cage
    Embracing the truth with no rage"

    I enjoyed the rhythm and phraseology of this verse, like the world telling you 'have no stance' and 'I speak out my heart'. Does that mean I don't have much to say about the rest? Hardly. More to come later...

    1. Thank you Robert for reading this piece of my heart... your support means so much to me... wishing you the best 2013 has to offer...

    2. "When the world says no
      I say yes in credo
      Because I’m the only one who knows that part
      That part of me that is called the heart
      When the world presses hard
      I retreat to my library like a bard
      Reading books and books and books
      And I see myself strengthened beyond hooks"

      You have some interesting rhyme schemes going but if I might note a few things for consideration..."I retreat to my library like a bard" Bard here, being the poet, isn't a poet because he retreats. Like a bard he would do what poets do. So "when the world presses hard/I retreat to my library [where] like a bard/[I strengthen myself with books]"

      I like the phrase 'beyond the hooks' and maybe you can work that in so long as it means something, but I can only judge its meaning from afar. [straighten out the hooks with books?] Just dig deeper into what you are saying and see how much further it can go. I hope this helps in some small way.

    3. Of course! Your suggestion helps in more than some small way. Thanks a bunch and expecting more of these in my forthcoming posts...
